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The introduction to adding HammerMultipart to your workspace.

Getting Started


This documentation describes HammerMultipart 1.20.1 and newer.

With that being said...


🦊 1.21 and Above

Firstly, add my repository to your workspace. The repositories block should already be present in your build.gradle

repositories {
maven {
name = "Zeitheron Maven"
url = ""
content {
includeGroupByRegex "org\\.zeith.*"

After adding the repository, navigate to dependencies closure. In here you are going to add two dependencies:

dependencies {
implementation "org.zeith.hammerlib:HammerLib-1.21:0.0.0"
implementation "org.zeith.multipart:HammerMultipart-1.21:0.0.0"
implementation "org.zeith.multipart:HammerMicroblocks-1.21:0.0.0" // Useful for testing multipart with microblocks.

Make sure to replace the 1.21 with your game version, 0.0.0 with latest HammerLib version for given version, and 0.0.0 with the latest HammerMultipart version and 0.0.0 with the latest HammerMicroblocks version.

After this, refresh your project in IDE of your choice.

You should see HammerLib and HammerMultipart appear in your classpath.

🦊 neoforge.mods.toml

Add this piece of code to your neoforge.mods.toml:


After this, refresh your project in IDE of your choice.

You should see HammerLib and HammerMultipart appear in your classpath.

Be sure to replace the 0.0.0 with the actual minimal version you require to run your mod.

🔨 1.20.1

Firstly, add my repository to your workspace. The repositories block should already be present in your build.gradle

repositories {
maven {
name = "Zeitheron Maven"
url = ""
content {
includeGroupByRegex "org\\.zeith.*"

After adding the repository, navigate to dependencies closure. In here you are going to add two dependencies:

dependencies {
implementation fg.deobf("org.zeith.hammerlib:HammerLib-1.20.1:20.1.1")
implementation fg.deobf("org.zeith.multipart:HammerMultipart-1.20.1:20.1.1")
implementation fg.deobf("org.zeith.multipart:HammerMicroblocks-1.20.1:20.1.1") // Useful for testing multipart with microblocks.

Make sure to replace the 1.20.1 with your game version, 20.1.1 with latest HammerLib version for given version, and 20.1.1 with the latest HammerMultipart version and 20.1.1 with the latest HammerMicroblocks version.