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🏷️ Tags Registration

Tags are the new "Ore Dictionary" (if you've modded MC prior to 1.13 you know what I mean)

Basically, to add something to a tag, you would have to go ahead, and edit (or create) a json file for tag, and put all new blocks/items/whatever into said json file. This can get quite annoying when you want to add like 32 lamps that extend the same class, and should all have a tag (say, "yourmod:lamps").

🔗 Binding tags

HammerLib provides a tool to automate tag assigning to objects through TagAdapter class and BuildTagsEvent (on HammerLib.EVENT_BUS).

At any point in time (preferably in Block/Item/whatever constructor), call TagAdapter.bind(TAG, this).

Going back to our lamp example, the class would look something like this:

package com.yourname.yourmod.content.blocks;

import net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraft.tags.*;
import org.zeith.hammerlib.core.adapter.TagAdapter;

public class BlockLamp extends Block
public BlockLamp(Properties pProperties)
TagAdapter.bind(BlockTags.create(new ResourceLocation("yourmod", "lamps")), this);

Don't forget to register all lamps inside ModBlocks!

🧱 Block harvesting

Since 1.17 (or so), block harvest tool and level are also determined by tags.

This is a slightly annoying problem that HammerLib also addresses with BlockHarvestAdapter class.

A short and easy-to-understand example would be on our lamps again, we want to mind them with an iron pickaxe.

To achieve this, simply add BlockHarvestAdapter.bindTool into the block constructor, resulting in the following code:

package com.yourname.yourmod.content.blocks;

import org.zeith.hammerlib.core.adapter.BlockHarvestAdapter;

public class BlockLamp extends Block
public BlockLamp(Properties pProperties)
BlockHarvestAdapter.bindTool(BlockHarvestAdapter.MineableType.PICKAXE, Tiers.IRON, this);