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🏃‍♂️ AnimationAction

If you want to perform an action after the animation is done player, you would want to look into using AnimationAction.

It is separated into action types and instances. Type is responsible for creating and executing action instance, while the instance itself is tasked with holding and serializing context information applicable to your action.

If you don't need to store much information, you can just use an empty default AnimationActionInstance. It still offers storage of data through NBT, using AnimationActionInstance.getExtra() method (you can create instance with extra data and execute it that way).

If you want to create custom action instance for storing data, you will need to override AnimationAction.createInstance method to return a new unconfigured instance of your action.

☕ Registration (Java)

⌨️ ModAnimations Class

To bind actions, create an interface ModAnimationActions inside your init package.

The result should look something like this:

package com.yourname.yourmod.init;

import org.zeith.hammerlib.annotations.*;

public interface ModAnimationActions

📦 Adding action types

To add a new animation container into the mod, simply create a new field inside ModAnimationActions of type AnimationAction, assign it a new AnimationAction type instance, and annotating the field with @RegistryName("name"). The "name" must be unique.

package com.yourname.yourmod.init;

import org.zeith.hammeranims.api.animation.*;
import org.zeith.hammerlib.annotations.*;

public interface ModAnimationActions
AnimationAction MY_ACTION = new MyAnimationAction();

🆕 Creating action type

To start off, let's create a new action type: MyAnimationAction, it will damage information to indicate how much damage to deal to nearby entities, and radius of action.


Our class will be named MyActionInstance. It requires a default constructor with the action type, here's the example of our action:

public class MyActionInstance
extends AnimationActionInstance
public float damage;
public float range;

public MyActionInstance(AnimationAction action)

public MyActionInstance configure(float damage, float range)
this.damage = damage;
this.range = range;
return this;

public CompoundTag serializeNBT()
var tag = super.serializeNBT();
tag.putFloat("Damage", damage);
tag.putFloat("Range", range);
return tag;

public void deserializeNBT(CompoundTag nbt)
this.damage = nbt.getFloat("Damage");
this.range = nbt.getFloat("Range");


In our action type class, let's implement the first required method (execute):

public void execute(AnimationActionInstance instance, AnimationLayer layer)
var owner = layer.system.owner;
if(instance instanceof MyActionInstance inst)
var world = owner.getAnimatedObjectWorld();

DamageSource source;
if(owner instanceof LivingEntity living)
source = world.damageSources().mobAttack(living);
source = world.damageSources().magic();

var pos = owner.getAnimatedObjectPosition();
var hitBox = new AABB(pos, pos).inflate(inst.range);
for(var ent : world.getEntitiesOfClass(LivingEntity.class, hitBox))
// Don't damage ourselves!
if(owner == ent) continue;

ent.hurt(source, inst.damage);

And finally, in order for the execution to happen, we definitely need to change the associated action instances:

protected @NotNull MyActionInstance createInstance()
return new MyActionInstance(this);

While we're at it, consider creating a helper method to create configured and bound action instances:

public static AnimationActionInstance create(float damage, float range)
return new MyActionInstance(ModAnimationActions.MY_ACTION).configure(damage, range);

🎬 Using AnimationAction

To add your action into an animation's finish action list, simply call ConfiguredAnimation.onFinish, passing a configured action instance:

ModAnimations.MY_ANIMATION.configure().onFinish(MyAnimationAction.create(4, 12));