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🍋 Generic Rendering

When rendering anything that is not an entity, you'd have to write the rendering process yourself. You're going to need to obtain the IGeometricModel and render it with RenderData.

⚓ Get IGeometricModel

The process of getting IGeometricModel instance is as follows:

  • Create a repository class containing all of the IGeometricModel instances as public static fields. Their default value should be IGeometricModel.EMPTY for safety, but you can avoid initializing the models altogether, if your code doesn't access the models before the game finishes loading.
  • Subscribe to RefreshStaleModelsEvent fired on HammerAnimationsApi.EVENT_BUS by calling HammerAnimationsApi.EVENT_BUS.register(ModGeoRepository.class);
  • Create a event listener for RefreshStaleModelsEvent and call IGeometryContainer.createModel():
    public static void refreshGeom(RefreshStaleModelsEvent event)
    MY_MODEL = ModGeometries.MY_MODEL.createModel();

Now you have a valid model, you can apply the animation system to the model (See 📝 Registration → 📤 Getting models from container) and then render it.


If you don't have any animations for the model, call IGeometricModel.resetPose before rendering to ensure that no previous renderer's animations could bleed into the current renderer.

⚙️ RenderData

This is an abstract class that varies between version of the game, but maintans compatibility for easier maintaining.

  • Generally speaking, you must have a final instance of RenderData in your renderer (be it entity renderer, tile renderer, item renderer etc).
  • Before rendering a model, you must call RenderData.apply to set the mandatory fields of the data.
    • In this method you can pass in an array of IVertexOperator, letting you precisely alter the vertices.
  • After you have both IGeometricModel and RenderData ready, in your render code, call IGeometricModel.renderModel(RenderData) to perform the render operation.

🔧 IVertexOperator

This interface is responsible for piping and transforming vertex data into a given renderer.

HammerAnimations offers two basic operators:

  • ColorMulVertexOp: Multiplies vertex color by the color passed into the constructor.
    • Example: new ColorMulVertexOp(0.75F, 0.8F, 1F, 1F) will add a bit of blue tint to the model;
  • SpriteRemapVertexOp: Remaps [0; 1] UVs into a smaller UV set for a texture atlas.
    • Example: new SpriteRemapVertexOp(InventoryMenu.BLOCK_ATLAS, new ResourceLocation("block/stone")) will transform the input UV range onto the stone texture of the block atlas;