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☁️ Latest maven artifacts

Here is a list of all artifacts that you can add to gradle classpath!

🔗 Repository setup

First off start by adding Zeith's maven repository:

repositories {
maven {
name = "Zeitheron Maven"
url = ""
content {
includeGroupByRegex "org\\.zeith.*"

If this step has caused your gradle to fail, alternatively try using this:

repositories {
maven {
name = "Zeitheron Maven"
url = ""

➕ Adding mods

When adding mods into your project, put the implementation lines into your dependencies notation (NOT the one at the top of the build.gradle, if you have that). Generally you should have something like this:

repositories {
maven {
name = "Zeitheron Maven"
url = ""
content {
includeGroupByRegex "org\\.zeith.*"

dependencies {
implementation "net.neoforged:neoforge:${neoforge_version}"

// This one is required by other mods developed by Zeith:
implementation "org.zeith.HammerLib:HammerLib-1.21:0.0.0"

For 1.13 - 1.20.1 use implementation fg.deobf("org.zeith......") instead of implementation "org.zeith......"

📁 Mod catalog

Alternatively, you can browse the maven HERE to find all the artifacts and their versions.


(For Minecraft 1.21)

implementation "org.zeith.HammerLib:HammerLib-1.21:0.0.0"


Requires HammerLib

(For Minecraft 1.21)

implementation "org.zeith.hammeranims:HammerAnimations-1.21:0.0.0"


Requires HammerLib

(For Minecraft 1.21)

implementation "org.zeith.multipart:HammerMultipart-1.21:0.0.0"


Requires HammerLib and HammerMultipart

(For Minecraft 1.21)

implementation "org.zeith.multipart:HammerMicroblocks-1.21:0.0.0"


Requires HammerLib

(For Minecraft 1.21)

implementation "org.zeith.SolarFlux:SolarFluxReborn-1.21:0.0.0"

Improvable Skills

Requires HammerLib

(For Minecraft 1.21)

implementation "org.zeith.ImprovableSkills:ImprovableSkills-1.21:0.0.0"

Simple Quarry

Requires HammerLib

(For Minecraft 1.21)

implementation "org.zeith.SimpleQuarry:SimpleQuarry-1.21:0.0.0"

Trims on Tools

Requires HammerLib

(For Minecraft 1.21)

implementation "org.zeith.trims_on_tools:TrimsOnTools-1.21:0.0.0"

Online Displays

Requires HammerLib

(For Minecraft 1.21)

implementation "org.zeith.onlinedisplays:OnlineDisplays-1.21:0.0.0"

Expanded Equivalence

Requires HammerLib

(For Minecraft 1.21)

implementation "org.zeith.expequiv:ExpandedEquivalence-1.21:0.0.0"

Equivalent Additions

Requires HammerLib

(For Minecraft 1.21)

implementation "org.zeith.equivadds:EquivalentAdditions-1.21:0.0.0"

Music Layer

Requires HammerLib

(For Minecraft 1.21)

implementation "org.zeith.MusicLayer:MusicLayer-1.21:0.0.0"

Colored Lux

Requires HammerLib

(For Minecraft 1.21)

implementation "org.zeith.ColoredLux:ColoredLux-1.21:0.0.0"

Thaumic Additions: Reconstructed

Requires HammerLib

(For Minecraft 1.21)

implementation "org.zeith.ThaumicAdditions:ThaumicAdditions-1.21:0.0.0"

Botanic Additions

Requires HammerLib

(For Minecraft 1.21)

implementation "org.zeith.botanicadds:BotanicAdditions-1.21:0.0.0"

Corsair McCUE

Requires HammerLib

(For Minecraft 1.21)

implementation "org.zeith.McCue:McCue-1.21:0.0.0"

Cable Flux

Requires HammerLib

(For Minecraft 1.21)

implementation "org.zeith.CableFlux:CableFlux-1.21:0.0.0"