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🛠️ HammerHelper

If you're on IntelliJ IDEA, consider using HammerHelper to assist with some common code checks and inspections!


Plugin Repo

Before downloading the plugin, you must first add the plugin repository.

Navigate to ⚙️ Settings → Plugins → ⚙️ → Manage Plugin Repositories... → ➕ → Enter the into the text field.

You should now have Zeith's plugin repository added to your IDE.

Adding plugin

Now that you have set up the repository, press And head back to it.

You might see a similar warning popup:


Click "Yes" to allow running.

If that doesn't work, try searching for HammerHelper on Marketplace AFTER adding the plugin repository.

Feature Set

Code inspection

These are your analyzers that highlight potential problems. You can disable them at any point.

HammerLib inspection:

  • @SimplyRegister(prefix = "") prefix is checked against resource location path characters. (error)
  • @SimplyRegister-annotated classes should be interfaces instead. (weak warning)
  • @RegistryName("value") values are checked against resource location path characters. (error)
  • @RegistryName("value") names are checked inside the same class for potential duplicate registry names. (error)
  • Resources.location() methods are eligible for resource path validation for [a-z0-9/._-] characters. (error)
  • @RegistryName-d Item constant missing model json file (weak warning)
  • @RegistryName-d Block constant missing block state json file (weak warning)

Code completion

When hitting Ctrl+Space, IDEA shows a code completion popup. This section is all about new entries in this popup.

HammerAnimations completion:

  • @RegistryName-d IAnimationContainer, IGeometryContainer and IParticleContainer are code-completed from files in /assets/modid/bedrock/ paths. This takes into account the createNoSuffix method calls, as well as prefixes provided but @SimplyRegister on the class. The code completion occurs inside the string literal of the annotation.

Code references

While holding Ctrl and hovering over elements of a class, you might see them as hyper-links, when clicking on which you see a file said elements are referenced from.

HammerLib references:

  • @RegistryName-d Item constants have the registry name string literal a reference to item model json file (if it exists)
  • @RegistryName-d Block constants have the registry name string literal a reference to block state map json file (if it exists)

HammerAnimations references:

Inspector suppression

When using @SimplyRegister on a class which has at least one @RegistryName field, the unused inspection on class element will be suppressed, preventing the class and all @RegistryName fields from being marked as 'unused' (since they are registered into the game!)