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📝 Registration

In this page we're going to see how particles are stored, registered and accessed.

🪣 Particle storage

As usual, particles are stored in container files (usually with .particle.json suffix) Each container may have only one effect stored inside.

To register a given particle container into the game, HammerAnimation provides a separate registry.

Each element of said registry is an instance of org.zeith.hammeranims.api.particles.IParticleContainer.


HammerLib already provides us with a simple content registration pipeline (see 📝 Content Registration)

This is what we're going to use to get particles registered properly and easily.

Additionally, there is resource-driven (not data-driven!) way of loading additional particles without explicitly registering them, but this is advised to be kept for resource pack makers only.

☕ Registration (Java)

⌨️ ModParticles Class

To store our particle containers, create an interface ModParticles inside your init package.

The result should look something like this:

package com.yourname.yourmod.init;

import org.zeith.hammerlib.annotations.*;

public interface ModParticles

📦 Adding containers

To add a new particle container into the mod, simply create a new field inside ModParticles containing the return value of IParticleContainer.create(), and annotating the field with @RegistryName("name"). The "name" must be unique.

package com.yourname.yourmod.init;

import org.zeith.hammeranims.api.particles.*;
import org.zeith.hammerlib.annotations.*;

public interface ModParticles
IParticleContainer YOUR_MODEL = IParticleContainer.create();

🔃 Resource loading

To make the particles actually load, you need to put the effect files into your mod's resources.

They are generally stored in /assets/yourmod/bedrock/particles/ folder.

Thus, the particle effect from our example should be located at /assets/yourmod/bedrock/particles/your_particle.particle.json.


If you want to simplify the .particle.json suffix to just .json, replace IParticleContainer.create() call with IParticleContainer.createNoSuffix()