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✨ Spawning particles

When you have a particle, it's only logical to spawn it somehow.

Let's see a few ways you could do it...

📦 Java Code

To spawn particles, HammerAnimations offers a simple class BedrockParticleSpawner.


BedrockParticleSpawner is supposed to be called from server side, and will send a single packet to clients who are tracking the position of the particle.

Currently, BedrockParticleSpawner offers these methods:

  • void spawnAt(ServerLevel world, Vec3 pos, IParticleContainer effect)
  • void spawnAt(ServerLevel world, Vec3 pos, ResourceLocation effect)
  • void spawnAt(IAnimatedObject pos, IParticleContainer effect)
  • void spawnAt(IAnimatedObject pos, ResourceLocation effect)

⚙️ Commands

You can spawn particles via commands, using the /bedrockmc command.

Here is an example of spawning poof particle:

  • /bedrockmc particle spawn hammeranims:poof

And here is an example of that, but with an offset:

  • /bedrockmc particle spawn hammeranims:poof ~ ~1 ~