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🧱 Particle components

Whenever creating a particle effect, it will always be composed of so-called "components".

There is a "components" JSON object inside every effect that describes its behavior.

"format_version": "1.10.0",
"particle_effect": {
"components": {
"minecraft:emitter_lifetime_once": {
"active_time": 1

Here we have a component minecraft:emitter_lifetime_once, which has active time set to 1 second. The duration may be either a constant (as shown here), or an expression.

Now, asides vanilla components, HammerAnimation offers a bit on top!

🧋 Vanilla modifications

Although vanilla particle components are nice, they are lacking some things one would expect them to have.

Here is a rundown of tweaks that HammerAnimations changes with vanilla components:

  1. minecraft:particle_expire_if_in_blocks and minecraft:particle_expire_if_not_in_blocks (since v33)
    • Supports block tags. To specify a tag instead of block, simply put # at the start of the id. (Example: #minecraft:logs)

📰 Custom components

This is a list of additional particle components provided by HammerAnimations!

🎆 Particle sub-emitter

  • Component ID: hammeranims:particle_expiry_sub_emitter

This component will create a new emitter by the ID upon particle expiry.


  • (required) sub_emitter (ResourceLocation) - the ID of the effect to spawn.
  • (optional) offset (Number[3]) - the offset relative to the particle where to spawn the system. Elements may either be constants, or expressions.


"format_version": "1.10.0",
"particle_effect": {
"components": {
"hammeranims:particle_expiry_sub_emitter": {
"sub_emitter": "hammeranims:poof",
"offset": [ 0, "math.random(-1, 1)", 0 ]

Please avoid too many recursive emitters, or you're risking causing major lags. To prevent infinite recursions, HammerAnimations imposes a strict limit to 6 generations of emitters.

As an emitter spawns sub-emitter, the generation is incremented for sub-emitter. When crossing the limit, new sub-emitters will not spawn.